Custom fitting for a handmade, custom rocker

fitted chair

A chair is the piece of furniture that relates most personally to the architecture of the human body. With chairs there is no ‘one size fits all,’ and we don’t believe that design is something that should be inflicted on the sitter. Thus the cornerstone of our work is to design every one of our chairs for ultimate comfort. Yet we can improve even on this foundation by tailoring most of the chairs that we make to the individual who will be using it, a service for which there is no extra charge.

designing the perfect handmade chair

There are six key measurements that go into a perfectly fit, handcrafted chair­ ‑ these include depth of the seat, width of the seat, and height of the headboard ‑ and we alter these to make sure your chair fits you perfectly.

Every time we build a custom fit chair it’s an opportunity to update our existing designs if we find something that feels more comfortable or looks better. During a custom chair project we use each of these measurements to create a truly custom, comfortable and functional chair that’s designed to last for generations to come.